Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
Patrick McGrath, PhD

Patrick McGrath, PhD

Chief Clinical Officer at NOCD

Dr. Patrick B. McGrath serves as the Chief Clinical Officer for NOCD, where he oversees the company's clinical protocols and team of OCD specialists. As the world's leading provider of virtual therapy for OCD, NOCD offers evidenced-based treatment for adults and children around the world struggling with OCD and related conditions, with a network of licensed therapists who are trained, led, and supervised by Dr. McGrath.

He is also a Lead Psychologist at Ascension Illinois Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital, where he opened Intensive Outpatient, Partial Hospital, and Residential Treatment Programs for Anxiety Disorders, School Refusal, and OCD.


In my role, I get to teach and consult with therapists every day as they grow in their specialty of OCD treatment

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“When we help people with OCD, we also help their families get their relative back, their friends get a friend back, their schools get a student back, their jobs get an employee back, and their communities get a citizen back from the most selfish disorder in the world.“

Dr. McGrath is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years of OCD treatment experience. He is a member of the Scientific and Clinical Advisory Boards of the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF), a Fellow of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Past President of OCD Midwest, an affiliate of the IOCDF.

He authored the books “Don't Try Harder, Try Different,” and “The OCD Answer Book” and was featured on the Discovery Health Channel's documentary “Panic” and on three episodes of “Hoarding; Buried Alive” on TLC.


  • Online video teletherapy treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder using exposure and response prevention:

    Clinical outcomes from a retrospective longitudinal observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research

    Feusner, J. D., Farrell, N. R., Kreyling, J., McGrath, P. B., Rhode, A., Faneuff, T., Lonsway, S., Mohideen, R., Jurich, J., Trusky, L., & Smith, S. M. (2022)

  • Thought–action fusion: Structure and specificity to OCD

    Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

    Bailey, B. E., Wu, K. D., Valentiner, D. P., McGrath, P. B. (2013)

  • Assessment of obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions:

    Development and evaluation of the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. American Psychological Association

    Abramowitz, J. S., Deacon, B. J., Olatunji, B. O., Wheaton, M. G., Berman, N. C., Losardo, D., Timpano, K. R., McGrath, P. B., Riemann, B. C., Adams, T., Björgvinsson, T., Storch, E. A., & Hale, L. R. (2010)

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