Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Common Fears & OCD Subtypes

OCD subtypes can help people to find community with others who share similar experiences, and they can assist therapists in designing targeted treatment plans, but they don't tell the whole story. If you can't find your subtype, that doesn't mean you don't have OCD—everyone's experience is unique, and many people's OCD symptoms don't fit neatly into any specific theme.

Harm OCD

Harm OCD is a common subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that causes intrusive unwanted thoughts, images or urges to harm oneself or others. Thoughts of harm should always be taken seriously, which can make symptoms of harm OCD especially frightening. People with harm OCD are not more likely to harm themselves or others than people with other OCD subtypes. However, they may view their intrusive and unwanted thoughts as an indication of a desire to act. This fuels their anxiety and drives them to engage in various compulsions aimed at eliminating this fear (e.g., removing all sharp objects from their kitchen).

8 min read
Fear of losing control

People with fear of losing control in OCD believe they can and must maintain perfect control of their actions to avoid negative consequences.

4 min read
Fears about drowning

Drowning fears, characterized by the concern that the individual themselves or others might drown, may be a sign of Harm themes in OCD.

6 min read
Fears about being a rapist

OCD focused on the fear of rape involves repeated intrusive, obsessive thoughts involving rape that cause intense anxiety or distress.

By Amber Samson, LCPC

Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD

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3 min read
Fear of rain

If you’re experiencing recurring fears about rain such as acid rain, germs in rain, floods, or other dangers, it may be OCD.

5 min read
Fears about Harmful Contamination

OCD fears about harmful contamination involve obsessive thoughts of harming others by spreading a contaminant.

5 min read
What if I’m really a child predator?

If you’re experiencing recurrent intrusive thoughts involving a worry or fear that you could be a child predator, it may be a sign of OCD.

4 min read
I’m afraid of drowning my baby in the bath

If you’re worried or have fears about drowning your baby in the bath, it may be a sign that you have OCD.

5 min read
I’m afraid of my pencil

If you’re worried about or afraid of using your pencil or being harmed by it, that may be a sign that you have OCD.

4 min read
I can’t stop thinking about molesting a child family member

If you're experiencing thoughts about molesting a child family member, it may be a sign that you have OCD.

3 min read
What if I assaulted a child in the past?

If you’re experiencing intrusive thoughts about the idea that you may have harmed kids in the past, it may be a sign that you have Harm OCD