Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Health and Contamination OCD

Health Concern/Contamination OCD is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) where a person experiences obsessive thoughts around fears of becoming contaminated, contaminating others, or contracting and spreading a disease. These obsessive thoughts drive people to engage in various compulsions aimed at alleviating their anxieties about contamination (e.g., showering for hours or until they feel clean). Read full article

If you're struggling with Health and Contamination OCD, we're here to help. Talk with our team to learn more.

Common OCD Fears

Fear of Pooping: Is it OCD, Coprophobia, or Anxiety?

Fear of pooping can include fears of going in public, fear of feces somewhere on your body, or worrying that it will lead to a health issue.
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Fear of food poisoning

Someone with OCD fear of food poisoning may struggle with obsessions related to whether their food has been contaminated or poisoned.
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Why can’t I sleep when I feel dirty? What a therapist says

If you feel a persistent need to be clean, you might have a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder called contamination OCD. Learn about it and how to get help here.
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Why am I constantly having dreams about dying? A therapist’s advice

When you’re disturbed by your dreams, the memory of them may affect your waking hours. Here’s how to cope.
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Could you have dementophobia? How experts make a diagnosis

If you spend a significant amount of time researching psychosis and schizophrenia, then read on for what to do about your fears.
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I’m scared of taking medications and pills. What can I do?  

If you’re wondering why medications trigger such a big fear and want to know if there’s anything that can be done, you're not alone.
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How can I tell if I’m going insane? Advice from a therapist

Several mental conditions can cause episodes of feeling as if you're losing your mind. As a therapist, I've seen most of them—here's what you should know.
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Afraid of going to the doctor? Advice from a therapist 

It may be the result of a number of different anxieties, but avoiding the doctor can be harmful for your long-term health. Here's how you can ease your worries.
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Obsessive cleaning disorder: Is it a mental health condition?

While cleaning habits are far from the only symptoms of OCD, they are central to many people’s experience of OCD. Here's how the condition works.
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Fears about schizophrenia – What do they mean?

Fear of Schizophrenia related OCD involves repetitive, unwanted thoughts or worries about losing your mind or developing Schizophrenia.
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“I’m constantly taking COVID tests. Is something wrong?” A therapist’s take

If you find yourself obsessively taking COVID tests, even multiple times per week or per day, you’re certainly not alone. Here's what you can do.
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Afraid of needles? It could be a mental health concern

Phobias, anxiety, and OCD can all be involved in this very real fear—whether you're getting your blood drawn or getting a flu shot.
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I’m always worried that my condom will break. What can I do?

Fear of an unplanned pregnancy, or spreading or contracting an STI, can become all-consuming and negatively impact people's lives in several ways.
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I’m afraid of using public transportation. Could therapy help?

There are a couple of reasons why this fear may arise, including phobias and OCD. Learn how ERP therapy can help free you from your fears and anxieties.
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I’m constantly worried I’ll have a miscarriage. What’s going on?

While feeling protective over the health of your pregnancy is entirely understandable, it’s important to take stock of how you’re coping with the fear of miscarriage.
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I hate being touched by people. Could it be OCD? 

If you feel like your aversion to being touched is intense, it’s natural to wonder what the underlying cause might be—especially if it's interfering with your life.
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David Beckham on life with OCD: His “tiring” cleaning rituals

How do you know if your cleaning habits may be OCD? Here are the signs to watch out for—and how to get help.
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I have an intense fear of blood. Could it be OCD?

Let’s take a look at what an intense fear of blood can look like, how it can impact people’s lives, and how they can learn to overcome it.
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I’m afraid to leave my home—Is it OCD, Agoraphobia, or a Specific Phobia?

Learn about the differences between OCD, Agoraphobia, and Specific Phobias that can cause a fear of leaving the home and how they can be treated.
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Fears about infertility—Is it OCD?

Strong, persistent fears about infertility, worrying about becoming pregnant and/or making a partner pregnant may be a sign of OCD.
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Fears about drug overdose in OCD 

Someone experiencing fear of drug overdose in OCD may worry about dying from ingesting, inhaling, coming into contact with harmful substances
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Fear of concussions

Fear of concussions in OCD involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts related to head trauma/concussion.
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Fear of spit or saliva

Fear of spit in OCD involves repetitive contamination fears and worry about contracting illness by coming into contact with saliva or spit.
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Fear of sunburn

A fear of sunburn associated with OCD involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts, images, or urges related to sunburns.
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Fear of boogers or mucus

An intense fear of boogers or mucus is common in Contamination OCD, and can be very debilitating interfering with many areas of life.
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A Guide to Fear of HIV / AIDS: What it is and how to find relief 

OCD fear of HIV is a focus in Contamination/Health OCD where individuals fear they will contract, or may have contracted, the HIV virus.
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Understanding Orthorexia: What it is and How to Treat It

In the era of “clean eating,” orthorexia is a commonly misunderstood eating disorder.
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Emetophobia: How to Overcome a Fear of Throwing Up

Excessive fears related to vomiting that cause high levels of distress could be a symptom of a Specific Phobia known as “Emetophobia.”
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Fear of poison

An intense, persistent fear of poison can be a sign of OCD. People may fear being poisoned themselves or that they could poison others.
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Maladaptive Daydreaming and OCD

Sometimes people who struggle with OCD also struggle with maladaptive daydreaming to escape the anxiety caused by their obsessions.
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Fears about sperm or semen – When are they a mental health issue?

If you’re experiencing fears about coming into contact with sperm and becoming contaminated or feeling dirty, it may be Contamination OCD.
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Fear of toilets

For people with OCD fear of toilets anything involved with restroom contaminants can become an issue that is hard to manage.
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Fears about needles

Fear of needles in Contamination OCD is characterized by intrusive thoughts about coming into contact with a needle that may be contaminated.
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Fear of aging

OCD with a focus on the fear of aging is characterized by unwanted and intrusive thoughts about aging and the potential difficulties or issues associated with it.
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Fears about drinking water

If you’re experiencing recurring fears about drinking water in general or drinking tap water due to concerns about becoming ill, this can be a sign of Contamination OCD. If you are experiencing fears that you may ingest too much water or not enough, this may also be related to Health OCD fears.
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Fears about drugs

A constant or repetitive fear of drugs can be a sign of OCD, likely falling under the OCD theme of health or contamination fears.
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Fears about urine

OCD with a focus on the fear of urine is characterized by intrusive thoughts or worries about possibly coming into contact with urine.
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Fear of rain

If you’re experiencing recurring fears about rain such as acid rain, germs in rain, floods, or other dangers, it may be OCD.
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Fears about Harmful Contamination

OCD fears about harmful contamination involve obsessive thoughts of harming others by spreading a contaminant.
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Fear of having bipolar disorder

Fear of having bipolar disorder in OCD is characterized by unwanted and intrusive thoughts about being diagnosed with or being bipolar.
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Fears about taking medication

Fear of taking medication in OCD is characterized by unwanted and intrusive thoughts/images about adverse reactions to medications.
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Fear of paralysis

Fear of paralysis in Health Concern OCD causes intrusive, unwanted thoughts and/or images of being paralyzed.
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Why do I always think my food is poisoned?

If you find yourself perpetually concerned that your food has been tainted in some fashion—maybe even poisoned—that may be a sign of OCD.
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I’m afraid of my pencil

If you’re worried about or afraid of using your pencil or being harmed by it, that may be a sign that you have OCD.
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Fear of allergic reactions

Fear of allergic reactions in OCD is characterized by unwanted and intrusive thoughts about the possibility of having an allergic reaction.
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Fears about eating disorders

In OCD, contamination fears can manifest around food and eating, making it difficult to differentiate from a diagnosable eating disorder.
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Fear of pulmonary embolism

OCD fear of pulmonary embolism includes intrusive thoughts such as "What if I get a Pulmonary Embolism?" and/or images of suffering one.
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Magical contamination

People with fear of magical thinking OCD think they have the power to prevent something bad from happening by performing a certain behaviors.
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Fear of Ebola

Fear of Ebola OCD involves fears that develop into obsessions about contracting or spreading the Ebola virus.
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Fear of Panic Attack

Panic Attack OCD involves intrusive, recurring, and distressing thoughts related to the fear of experiencing a panic attack.
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Fear of Diabetes

Fear of diabetes can be a specific OCD theme for individuals suffering from health concerns related to developing diabetes.
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Fear of Cancer

Constant concerns or fears of getting cancer that are affecting your everyday life may be a sign that you have fear of cancer OCD.
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Fear of COVID

Excessive fears and concerns about contracting or spreading COVID can be a sign of COVID related Contamination OCD.
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Fear of stroke

Fear of having a stroke can be a presentation of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Health Subtype, where the sufferer’s compulsions are driven by a fear of the specific medical condition or symptoms of strokes.
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Fear of blindness

Fear of going blind, Blindness OCD, is when someone has constant fears an illness will lead them to becoming blind or visually impaired.
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Fear of heart attack

Fear of Heart Attack OCD is a Health OCD involving fears of the heart malfunctioning that could eventually lead to Heart Attack.
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